Want to get back with x boyfriend or hubby? This article can help. There is no magic formula or love potion that is going to help you get over your broken heart. Only time and the love of family and friends can do that But there might be a way you can get back with x love. This method isn't a guarantee, it doesn't always work, but it does work often enough that you may want to consider giving it a try.
Tip #1 to Get Back With X: The first step is for you to leave your ex alone for a while, a few weeks or months. I know, this is going to be hard to do, but it's important. There are two main reasons you need to do this: the first reason is that you need to spend this alone time working on you and making changes to the person you are. The second is that if you're constantly hounding your ex and begging them to get back together you are just making yourself look weak and pathetic. And who wants to be with someone like that?
Tip #2 to Get Back With X: So while you are letting your ex learn what life will really be like without you (and missing you) you are going to be honestly evaluating who you are and what you should change about yourself. I don't mean change things so your ex will want you, this step isn't about your ex, it's about you becoming the best 'you' can be. It's about you growing as a human being and improving. I know, I know, all you want is your ex back, but think about it, when he does come back you'll be new and improved.
Tip #3 to Get Back With X: Once you've spent this time working on you you can contact your ex, casually, and ask if they'd like to get together. Don't talk about reconciling, just hang out and enjoy each other. Than if you've made changes and improved yourself your ex will notice and they might be the one to suggest that the two of you get back together.