
Ex Boyfriend To Get Back: Read 5 Simple Tips

It is not easy for you and your ex boyfriend to get back after a breakup. However, there are a few tips that you can follow to have him back again. So many people don't succeed in winning their ex back.  It's not really our fault.  No one ever handed us an instruction book when we first started dating that taught us how to handle a breakup.  Much less, how to get someone back after a breakup.. If you want your ex boyfriend back then  these 5 simple steps should help achieve your goal:

1. The first tip which will help you and your ex boyfriend to get back is to get your head straight.  You need to get rid of the negative thoughts.  You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself.  You have to be willing to be strong. 
Don't let your emotion and especially depression keep you down.  You can't achieve a goal, if you can't keep your emotions in check and your mind clear.  Negative thoughts are destructive behavior. 

2. Accept that the relationship in its prior form is over.  All the wishing in the world isn't going to allow you to go back in time and change the way things happened.  You can't let your mind keep wandering into the past. 

Focus on what is going on now.  If you realize that the relationship of the past wasn't perfect you're heading in the right direction and laying the foundation for you and your ex boyfriend to get back.  Remember you are most likely glossing over all the bad stuff that happened.  Think about this; the relationship didn't get broke in a day.  Don't expect to be able to fix it in a day either.
3. Don't pester your ex boyfriend. Guys just don't like it when girls become obsessive about them.  Especially ex boyfriends. You may want to seek comfort by hearing his voice or seeing his face, but if you really want him back, you must back off for a while.  Don't continuously call him, text message him, email him, or go to his place or where he hangs out just to see him.  Give him time to realize he may have made a mistake. He may begin to actually miss you. If you blow it, you may have a tougher time getting him back.


4. Become an object of desire. If you can, get some new makeup. Get some new clothes. Get a new hairstyle.  If you've picked up a few pounds, start exercising and eating healthy. When you look good on the outside, you're going to start feeling better about yourself on the inside. By feeling good on the inside you will be confident and happy. When you're confident and happy, you will project this image to others. You will become an object of desire to men. This includes your ex boyfriend.

5. Take it slow. If you followed steps 1-4 your ex boyfriend at some point will probably get in touch with you.  Imagine his surprise when he sees the ìnewî you from step 4.  He will probably be sorry that he broke up with you.  Keep your physical contact with him to a minimum, if you do see him. 

Seeing you looking your best and seeing that you've become confident and happy will make him desire you.  If you limit your physical contact with him, this will drive him crazy.  It will probably help to ensure that you don't just jump back into a relationship only to breakup a short time later.

These tips may not be easy for you to do at first. You may want to give in and call him or see him, but you have to resist the temptation.  These tips will help you and your ex boyfriend to get back after a breakup.


7 Ways to Build Trust in a Relationship

Do you know these 7 concrete ways to build trust in a relationship?  Often, what really makes a relationship work are not the things we think of first.  For instance, do you think you always need to spice things up?  Wrong!  Predictability is more important than variety in a relationship.  The following seven methods are guaranteed to grow your connection by improving the level of trust in a relationship.

First, you need to be predictable.  This goes against the common notion that you need to ìstir things upî to keep the romance alive.  Sure, going to a new restaurant or giving a surprise gift can be nice, but most of all, we need things to be consistent and steady in order to make our relationships work.  Consider that trust in a relationship is built on being reliable day in and day out.

Next, you need to make sure that your words always match the message.  This means that your partner needs to hear the words which match your body language.  If you say you are happy but you are frowning, your partner doesn't hear your words, he or she sees your face and the tone in your voice. Your partNer needs to be able to trust what you are saying.  When the words match the message, you build trust in a relationship.

Third, you need to have a fundamental belief in your partner's competency.  If you don't you won't have the trust in a relationship that you need.  When lovingly communicated, the truth is never destructive.  When you do not believe that your partner is competent at some things (or indeed, anything), you violate the trust in a relationship. 

Don't keep secrets.  Secrets destroy the trust in a relationship.  Be honest and open.  Assume everything you know will eventually come out.  Secrets require enormous energy on your part.  That is energy that could be going into building the relationship. 

Fifth, don't be afraid to let your partner know what your needs are.  Don't make him or her guess what you need.  Let them know.  It is okay to be self-centered as long as you are not selfish.  Indeed, if you are reluctant to assert your needs, you may go overboard in the opposite direction and smother your partner.

Sixth, learn to say no.  When your partner voices his or her needs, that is a good thing.  But you don't need to say yes to everything.  A partner cannot respect you if you never say no.  Refusing to be subjugated to the other person's will actually builds trust in a relationship.

Finally, always pursue growth.  When you plant a flower, you begin by digging in the dirt.  Digging in the dirt of our relationships can sometimes cause pain.  But, through that pain, we prepare the soil for future growth.  Don't be afraid of turmoil, crisis, or questions.  These become the fertilizer for growth and change.  Embrace what is difficult. 

When you decide to work on trust in a relationship, you are bound to encounter a little pain.  But, as you work through this pain, you will not only become stronger as an individual, you will also strengthen your coupledom.

Can You and Your Ex Get Back Together

If you truly want to get back together with your ex, you have to do a bit of soul searching. You must be totally honest with yourself. You have to decide if you and your ex get back together it will truly make you happy, and you won't wind up down the same road that caused the breakup in the first place.  It's always easy after a breakup to only think of the good times. It's important that you try to be completely objective and think of both the good and bad times. 
In reality, there are a few relationships that are unworthy of saving. If you and your ex spent more time fighting than you did doing something good and fun, then perhaps you should consider moving on. f they were physically or verbally abusive, it probably wasn't a healthy relationship.  If they were mentally unstable, you probably are better off without them.  If the relationship overall was a good one, and they weren't abusive, and they were of sound mind, the following should help you and your ex get back together.

Pestering and pushing your ex isn't a good idea.  If you try to constantly get in touch with your ex; whether its by phone, email, text message, or stalking them you're going to do more harm than good.  They will see this as a sign of desperation.  This could actually push them further away than bring them closer to you.

Don't argue, beg, or plead with your ex about your past relationship. It's easy when you and your mind are all alone.  Your mind manifests all sorts of 'wrongs' that you may have done.  Even when your ex broke up with you they may have gave you reasons why.  Now, you're probably beating yourself up over them.  You probably wish you had never done those things.  The past is the past.  This is the present.

If you get it in your mind that the relationship is currently over.  You can't go back in time, though you probably wish you could.  Concentrate on what is going on now.  The only thing worse than obsessively contacting your ex is to beg or plead with them.  Make promises how you'll change, etc...This won't help you and your ex get back together at all.

If you back off, give them some time, and live your life, you'll be doing yourself a big favor in more ways than one.  You'll probably become more desirable to your ex, because you're allowing them to think about you and miss you.  You'll also be helping yourself to live a happier, more fulfilling life too.

Training Your Boyfriend

This is a short video from T Dub Jackon, author of Magic of Making Up, on training your boyfriend. Yes ladies, it seems that men are like dogs in more ways then one, and need to be trained.

So if he's worth it, view the video below and put T Dub's advice into action. 


Advice from TW Jackson Magic Of Making Up Author

Here is some great advice from TW Jackson Magic Of Making Up author. Is there something you can learn by being robbed at gunpoint? As TW Jackson explains in the Magic Of Making Up System, after your initial contact with your ex you want to set up your "1st date" again. And the most important part, the secret and the part nobody else but TW will tell you, is the date HAS to be EMOTIONALLY CHARGED.

That doesn't mean dinner and a movie - because it's boring. And boring doesn't create a bonding - or in our case a RE-bonding - experience. In fact, you want to pack in several emotionally charged mini-dates in a span of a couple hours. Why? Because if you just do dinner and a movie you lose out on a sociologically proven principle, which is: emotionally charged experiences = bonding.

Look at it in another way. The last time you went to the bank, do you remember the person in line in front of you? Behind you? Probably not. But what if while you were in the bank, it was ROBBED AT GUNPOINT. The robbers have made you lay down on the floor. The tension feels so thick you could cut through it with a knife. You're on the cold bank floor and can see your breath fogging up the tile below and your scared. You slowly move your eyes around and see a sweet older lady lying right next to you. She looks a little like your own grandma, and you come out of your own haze enough to realize that she is even more terrified than you. She is softly sobbing. You slowly reach out and take her hand in yours and give her a little squeeze that says, "it's gonna be all right."

Now let me ask, are you going to EVER forget that older lady? Do you think she will EVER forget you? Not in a million Sundays!

Now what TW Jackson Magic Of Making Up author is telling us is not to go rob a bank on your first date with your ex. But to go on an EMOTIONALLY charged and exciting date...and preferably several mini-dates in a span of a couple hours. A short roller coaster ride is one great example.

TW Jackson Magic Of Making Up author teaches you more about things like emotionally charged dates in his ebook. You'll also discover psychological tactics and techniques you can use to get your ex back on that first date.

Download your own copy of Magic of Making Up right now. And you'll also get a special bonus called 'Mind Magic' when you reserve your copy of the Magic Of Making Up System through this special link.


Get Ur Ex BF back in 3 Steps

So you've broken up recently with your boyfriend and you're wondering how to get ur ex bf back. If you're depressed right now and feeling like a total loser, I know the feeling. And these feelings can make you want to call your ex boyfriend and beg him to come back. But resist that urge, because it will probably make things worse by chasing your ex bf away even further.

Do you feel like calling your ex? Don't! Do you feel like staying inside and crying all day long? Don't! What you should actually do at this point is the opposite of what you are feeling. Instead, follow these three basic steps and you'll start the ball rolling to get ur ex bf back.

Step 1 - Accept the Break Up!
First and foremost, you need to accept that the break up is happening. Tell your ex that you are okay with it, and allow the "moving on" process to begin. When you do this, it will eliminate a large amount of the tension and stress that is being experienced by all. Your ex boyfriend will need time to think about the relationship, and this will give you time as well to consider your options. If your ex realizes that he still loves you, he will find a way to get back with you.

Step 2 - Do not contact your ex bf!
Do not make an effort to contact your ex boyfriend right now. You should cut communication off with him so that there can be some "thinking time". This may seem counter-intuitive, but by cutting communication off you are signaling that you have already moved on and that you are doing just fine without him. And that always makes them think twice. It will also allow them to have some time to miss you again. When you can separate yourself from your ex bf and calm your nerves, that may be the best time to let them realize how important you were to them.

Step 3 - Plan Ahead for the Get Together
Once you have completed the two steps mentioned just above, you can start working on planning on when you should meet, where you should meet, and what should be said when you do meet up again. This will allow you to get a better idea of whether or not your ex still loves you, and also if there is still a chance to get ur ex bf back.

These are only 3 basic steps on how to get ur ex bf back and it can be a bit more complicated than that. But this is a good place to start and will improve your chances to get ur ex bf back.


Getting Ur Ex Back, What You Need To Know

If you want to know how to getting ur ex back,  you have to first make sure that you want to reconcile with your former love for the right reasons. It's very easy to fall into the trap of getting lonely and deciding that the only thing for you to do is to get back with your ex. Unfortunately, if that is your motive the relationship has just as little chance of working out this time as it did the first time.

If you focused on getting ur ex back and really wanting to make it work this time, you will have to be willing to take some time and make some changes, this process isn't something that will happen overnight.  First, think honestly about what the problems in your relationship really were.  Also think about the part you played in the problems. Were you the biggest problem? Now, be honest ladies! If the majority of the stress and strife in your relationship came from you, you will have to be the one that does a lot of changing if you hope to make things work this time.

Once you've made some serious changes it's time to get a hold of your ex and ask them if they want to get together. Keep things casual. If you make the meeting all about getting ur ex back and make it out to be some big reconciliation event you're likely to scare them off. Just keep things calm and friendly and let your ex see that you've changed. Actions do speak louder than words so it won't be enough to just tell your ex you've changed, you'll need to show them too.

By showing your ex that you've changed and that you are mature enough to face the problems of your relationship head on and make some changes, that will go a long way to them being willing to give your relationship a second chance and you getting ur ex back. 

Saving A Relationship: 7 Tip

Saving a relationship before it ends is preferable to rescuing one after you have broken up. If you feel you are on the verge of a breakup there are some things you can do to save the relationship. Here are 7 tips to saving a relationship.

1. Acknowledge the problems in your relationship. Many time couples don't talk about what  their troubles are or even understand what they are themselves. Know the root of your conflicts. Saving a relationship begins with understanding the underlying problems.

2. Be rational and calm. Don't resort to petty bickering and defensive arguing. If that is where the relationship is, get a third party (like a relationship counselor) to help you speak to each other, and not at each other. Really listen to what your partner is saying before you take your turn to speak.

3. Take some time apart if the arguing is getting too overwhelming. This will give you both time to calm down and time to miss each other. This will take pressure off both of you and give you time to think about your relationship. Space will help you set your emotions and thoughts in order.

4. Agree to disagree.
You don't both have to agree on everything. Be open to respecing each others' point of view. You are two individuals after all, not one.

5. Work as a team. Saving a relationship requires both of you to make an effort. If only one of you is making the effort its going to be a lot harder to save the relationship.

6. Be patient. Don't push your partner into trying to fix it all right now. All relationships take time to mend and heal when things go wrong. Time, effect and patience is what is needed now.

7. Take it slowly. Don't go rushing back into the relationship like there wasn't anything wrong to begin with. Have long talks about what you both want in your relationship and agree to work slowly on them. Rushing only creates frustration and fear.


How To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back

Are you feeling like everything you do pushes your ex away further? Are you asking "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back" at every turn? I know lots of you gals out there have fallen into this rut because you want to be with him sooo bad. I know, I've been there myself. But what you need to do is to stop contacting him because it's not working in your favor. Let me give you some tips that will greatly improve your chances of getting back together with your ex boyfriend.

Obviously right now you are serious about saving or rekindling your relationship, which is what led you to this article in the first place. But if you are feeling overly anxious to get your ex back, you may be behaving in the wrong way, causing your ex to pull away naturally. It is human nature in general to resist this kind of pressure. Struggling against human nature is completely pointless, and it will only make matters worse.

Are you calling your ex too much, constantly writing him e-mails or text messaging him? Are you trying to make him feel sorry for you? If you are doing these things, stop! If you are asking yourself "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back", then you need to stop doing these things right now.

So what can I do to get my ex boyfriend back? Follow this strategy instead.

You are going to need to take a completely fresh approach. Begin by breaking contact off for a while, doing your own thing. During this time where there is no communication between you and your ex boyfriend, you can focus on ways that you can improve your own personal life, rather than focusing on the relationship. This is going to be a challenging time, and it is going to require discipline to prevent you from returning to your old ways.

During this time, your ex is going to experience a shift in how he feels about you, since you will no longer be pursuing him. You may become mysterious to him in some ways, because he is not sure what you are doing or feeling. This is actually something that can work in your favor. Now your ex is in a position to actually miss you, which is not possible when you are smothering him. Remember, the male human species likes the "thrill of the chase".

You must remember that the key to this strategy and repairing a break up is to work with human nature rather than attempting to work against it. If you are wondering "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back", now you should have a fairly basic understanding on how common mistakes can be avoided. Once you implement this basic strategy you can restore a balance and allow your ex to remember why he loved you in the first place. Sit back and let him do the chasing.

Make yourself appear mysterious and he will be reminded why he loved you in the first place. Play hard to get (don't over do it) and let him make the first move, and you will come out on top. And then you will stop asking "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back."


Tips On How Win Back Your Ex

So you’ve gone through a painful breakup or divorce and you wondering HOW WIN BACK YOUR EX. While there is no “one size fits all’ for this problem, there are some simple things that work for many people.

Here are some things to consider on how win back your ex:
First, it’s important for you to recognize what went wrong in the relationship and what part you played in the problems (we’ve all been butt heads in relationships at one time or another). This is not easy to do, most people have a much easier time seeing what their partner’s did wrong than they do admitting what they did wrong. But if you don’t own up to your own issues and change them, you will have little, if any, chance of making the relationship work even if you do manage to get back together with your ex boyfriend. So give you and your behavior a good looking over, and then make some changes to become a better person and partner.

Second, do not crowd your ex boyfriend/husband by being all needy or stalkerish. Believe me, this is no how win back your ex. Give them some time and space so they can process everything that has happened.  Hopefully they will also own up to the part they played in the problems of the relationship. And giving them time will help them miss you and remember the good times.

The third piece of advice on how win back your ex boyfriend is something you might not have considered before. And that is to spend some time by yourself, on yourself. Use this time alone to do the things you like to do and to improve yourself. You may want to learn a new skill, put in some extra time at work, take a class, or just work on your fitness a little bit. Whatever it is, make sure that you spend time doing positive things that will enhance the person you are, as well as your life in general. That way, no matter what happens with your ex boyfriend, you’ll be a better person.

Forth, if you and your ex share the custody of children you will have to be especially careful during this time. You may be excited about your plans on how win back your ex, but your kids have got to be left out of it completely. They’ve been through a lot already and you don’t want to add to that by putting them in the middle. You don’t want them to get their hopes up that their parents are going to get back together.

These tips on HOW WIN BACK YOUR EX will help move you along, not just in your soon to be reunited relationship (I’ve got my fingers crossed for you), but also in your personal life. While there is no guarantee, you know if you don’t do anything at all, or worse, the wrong thing, you will never get back with your ex. These tactics have helped a lot of people in the past, and they may be able to help you too.
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